
Participatory Action Research as a Framework for Transdisciplinary Collaboration: A Pilot Study on Healthy, Sustainable, Low-Income Housing in Delhi, India

Emily Nix,  Jacob Paulose,  Clive Shrubsole,  Hector Altamirano-Medina,  Kristine Belesova,  Michael Davies,  Renu Khosla,  and  Paul Wilkinson


Community Rainwater Harvesting for Water Resilience

The city of Agra is running out of groundwater. As the main river, Yamuna, is contaminated and untreatable, people’s access to clean water is limited and impoverished people have been disproportionately affected.


Gender Equality and Social Inclusion (GESI)


Unequal Everyday


A Case study of sanitation of slums in Noida, UP.

Self-Building Mechanisms under Swachh Bharat Mission.

By: Ms. Suhani Gupta

INDIAN Plumbing Today

Adequate Potable Water & Proper Sanitation to All


Building Water Resilience

A Practitioner’s Guide for Community-Based Rain Water Harvesting.

Edited by
Shveta Mathur

Design by Trinankur Banerjee


Building Water Resilience Hindi

A Practitioner’s Guide for Community-Based Rain Water Harvesting.

Edited by
Shveta Mathur

Design by Trinankur Banerjee


The Toilet Portfolio

A decent toilet is a toilet that is inside the house and built in a way that will keep its contents separate from the water sources.

Curator :
Renu Khosla,
Shveta Mathur

Portfolio Designer: Vaishali Kukreja


PLA Handbook

This handbook has been developed to share this approach with community practitioners and communities of practice and for all those who would like to understand communities better to betterdesign solutions. Many people have been involved in bringing the handbook together. Most of all the communities and the facilitators who have enthusiastically incorporated the design extensions to PLA tools in their workings with the communities. The Hindi translations of technical terms has been a key contribution of their work on the ground.Their names are given on page 294.

Curator :
Renu Khosla,
Barsha Poricha

Portfolio Designer: Yellow Brickroad Media



This report is made possible by the generous support of the American People through the USAID. The contents are the responsibility of The Centre for Urban and Regional Excellence (CURE) and do not necessarily reflect the views of USAID or of the United States Government.

By: Monalisha Mohan


Engaging Communities; Changing Narratives

Considerable efforts in development studies have been devoted to the understanding and mitigation of poverty (Narayan & Petesch,2007; Narayan, et al., 2009) all over the world. The rapid urbanization of the global south and increased migration into urban centres at the end of the 20th century and the beginning of the 21st century has mandated a closer look at the nuances of urban poverty (Baker & Schuler, 2004; Mitlin & Satterthwaite, 2012).

Edited by:
Mallika Mitra Biswas,
Nilanjana Bhattacharjee

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