City Slum Upgrading Plan and Redevelopment Plan

Rangamatia, Bhubaneswar

A Citywide Slum Upgrading Plan for Bhubaneswar (CSUB) was developed under the Rajiv Avas Yojna (RAY). The Plan was prepared under the FIRE(D) (Financial Institutions Reform and Expansion - Debt) project. CSUB was based on a detailed mapping of the city's slums and a technical assessment of service gaps in each settlement. A Tenability Assessment of all slums was undertaken. A set of risk parameters were prepared to assess tenability of each slum and propose viable development options - in-situ upgrading, redevelopment or relocation. The CSUB proposed a citywide, inclusive, comprehensive and integrational development approach. A financial demand assessment and a resource mobilization plan was developed to help generate resources for the Plan's implementation. The in-situ upgrading approach was piloted in 2 Bhubaneswar slum settlements, creating access to home taps and toilets. Families were assisted with micro finance to pay for the services. A Detailed Project Report (DPR) for the In-situ development of Rangamatia settlement was prepared as the first project approved under RAY for implementation.

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