An Inclusive, Resilient and SMART Rourkela

The project is aimed at supporting the city of Rourkela to be Inclusive, Resilient and SMART by improving the effectiveness of the various missions focusing on the urban poor for sustainable poverty reduction and slum development. CURE is developing replicable and scalable models of water-sanitation-housing development and sustainable livelihoods in selected slums of Rourkela. These include; a. Resilient and Barrier Free Settlements with barrier free toilets, housing and streets through a process of in-situ upgrading of a slum inhabited by people affected with Leprosy together with promoting decent livelihoods without stigma; b. a Slum Networking Model to enable home toilets in the settlement; c. an ecological and integrational model linking informal waste recycling with formal waste systems; and d. inclusive redevelopment of a slum settlement as part of a Neighbourhood Development Programme. CURE shall support the replication and scaling up of these models in other cities of Odisha by creating knowledge products and capacity of the local government to plan and implement slum upgrading and poverty reduction solutions on a city-scale. CURE is also providing technical assistance to the city corporation for citywide development for improving effectiveness of urban development programmes by building a SANMAN , spatializing its data and analysing the information for better planning.

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