Making a Water Resilient Agra

Rainwater Harvesting and Groundwater Recharging, Agra

Agra is likely to run out of groundwater by 2020. The impact of insufficient and low quality water is mainly felt by the poor, deepening their poverty. CURE in partnership with the Agra Municipal Corporation (ANN), implemented a project to put Agra on the path of water resilience. As part of the Project CURE helped the city do three things; a. prepare a participatory Agra Water Resilience Strategy (AWRS) with a long-term vision; b. Implement community-led models for rainwater harvesting, groundwater recharging, wastewater treatment and reuse where poor were part of the ecological upgrading of settlements; and c. leveraging resources under the SMART city Mission for scale up. Communities were organized to actively participate in the planning, location and construction of rainwater harvesting systems. Traditional well-building techniques were used in the construction of 7 community rainwater harvesting tanks using local artisans. A low ecological footprint was achieved by using natural material for construction. Nearly 10 lakh litres of water over 2 years have been generated, benefitting over 10500 households in 24 low-income settlements.

The project has led to economic (savings to households and city), health (fewer illnesses), environmental (recharged groundwater and greening), social (enhanced status) and political impacts.

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